全印象派 From Head to Soul International -- A Complete Guide to Personal Style and Inner-self Development

Joyce M. Knudsen and Desmond C. Y. Chan (陳子賢)
  • 紙書
出版社 紅出版
語言 英文
出版日期 2006-07-17
頁數 277
國際書號 9781453806845
內文色彩 黑白
尺寸 14cm x 21cm
訂裝 平裝/膠裝
紙書售價 HK$163.00


Dr. Knudsen 為全球殿堂級形象顧問,獲獎無數,並創辦 The ImageMaker Inc.;Desmond 為德文國際全形象顧問始創人,乃中國及香港首位通過美國國際形象顧問協會認可考試 (AICI Certification) 之形象顧問,並成為該會的香港區主席,曾於亞洲各大院校包括香港、中國內地、英國及澳洲教授形象課程,及為不同機構提供行政形象培訓。



This book is the landmark of international image industry which not only fits for professionals to help build their images, but also beneficial to college students and those who are in commercial and business world to win a decent impression from the others. Dr. J. M. Knudsen is an international recognized image consultant who founded The ImageMaker Inc..

She is also the first recipient of Master Status recognition from AICI and the prestigious IMMIE Award. Desmond C. Y. Chan founded The Image de Monde Group and he is the first Chinese to qualify the Association of Image Consultant International (AICI) Certification.

He is also the president of AICI – Hong Kong Chapter, and teaches image program for worldwide institution and professional bodies of Hong Kong, Great China, Britain and Australia. ?“Holistic image” is the central philosophy of the book, which teaches professionals the guide to wear, includes figure and face analysis, makeup and fashion, poise and etiquette.

Holistic image architecture focuses on personal value and inner-self style, this book is also the first attempt to combine the image studies of both female and male image, to merge with Chinese thinking and Western image knowledge, and to cohere with the inner-self and outer-appearance. Having inputs of ancient Chinese philosophy, Buddhist teachings and Bruce Lee’s spirit, the work aims to reach the Buddhist concept of “oneness of body and mind”.

Therefore the publication of the book is regarded as celebrating issue of the image consulting industry.
