
星星超人會 Kids Power Society
  • 紙書
出版社 紅出版 (青森文化)
語言 繁體中文
出版日期 2022-07-25
頁數 168
國際書號 9789888822126
內文色彩 黑白
尺寸 15.24cm x 22.86cm
訂裝 平裝/膠裝
紙書售價 HK$250.00






星星超人會 Kids Power Society

這是一本由「Kids Power Society星星超人會」組織來自不同國家的二十多位小學生合作翻譯和創作的兒童科幻書籍。

本書由Kids Power Society星星超人會編著。Kids Power Society星星超人會是一間於加拿大註冊的非牟利機構,致力為孩子們提供多元化創意題材活動的平台。此機構的宗旨是以小朋友做主導,用行動實踐。同時通過不同的創作活動、團隊交流討論、社會真實實踐體驗等方式引導孩子們領悟出驚喜的想法,開拓他們的創意思維,從而讓世界可以延續新發明,並為全世界文明社會做出有意義的貢獻和成效!

Kids Power Society believes that Kids are the Future!

After reading The book of Supernova pandemic. I’m happy, I read this book with my mommy and my sister. We love this book. I love the CG Candy girl in CH 9, the Candy girl. She is so pretty. She has long purple hair and I love her lollipop which is so pretty too. I love the flowers on her hair and she is so pretty so I love this Candy girl.

I also like the Green lips, Lipsies turn their lips to stone because they got virus and they look so funny.

Pinenions on Pinet is funny too! Some Pinenions turn crystallize or skinny when they are sick.

I think Monty is awesome his antibody can be the source of creating vaccine and save everyone. Finally, I don’t like Evilzen because he scared me and he is a bad guy.

Daisy Pau, 5 years old

Kids Power Academy Supernova Pandemic vol 2

A story inspired by the boring pandemic on Earth that is converted into an exciting journey of imagination and creativity. A supernova pandemic has been unleashed into the universe, and only a group of superheroes dare stand up to this horrifying challenge! A science facility, SPYS Stars, has deployed four medical teams, in separate space vehicles called MediPods, to collect virus samples from the four main planets. To their horror, the situation was worse than they thought! Who can ever solve this case? And out of nowhere, there came Super-Dogdective Monty who used his nano senses and super-snot to collect virus samples and data from the four epicenters, and contributed to the vaccine to save the universe!

In the end, SPYS Star found out the origin of the Supernova Pandemic is from Space Pollution. So Luca designed a Waste Converter Station to convert all the garbage into energy to power all the planets. At last, the universe was all cleared of garbage, and everyone went space diving!

I also enjoyed reading the details about some alien characters, futuristic devices and space conveyances in the book. For example, the Gurion Beasts, plant-like aliens that originate from planet Guuwen. They consumed the blue sand on the planet that would multiply their numbers faster than the virus could spread. Poison Fang, a potion wiz, brought the Gurion Beasts to Kids Power Academy to guard the campus as the bio-security system. They have vine whips to attack intruders and their red bulbs in the middle are the alarms to alert the campus when danger appears.

I also like the Snot Sucker, a space-vehicle that takes up the shape of a dog’s snout. It sucks up all of Monty’s snot that had collected all the intel of the virus. This vehicle was made by Dog Tech, a place where Monty trains all the dogs to become secret agents.

Last but not least, I also like the spacecraft called Tubweques. It is an important vehicle in the story. It was designed by Luca from SPYS Stars that had three huge nozzles and a light to navigate through space. Superheroes can sit inside the vehicle and space disinfectant to every corner of the universe to get rid of the super virus: Blringrr Blringrr.

Alia Kong, 11 years old

My favorite superhero is Pineking. The special thing about him is that he can use healing potions and damaging potions. Also he is the king of the planet Pinet.

My favorite chapter of this book is chapter 5. It is very interesting. In the chapter, there are three superheroes: Techer,I-Boy,and Majectic girl. They travel to a planet called Unknown, and find a ‘’person’’ called Scientist 00123. However, he also is his evil alter ego. Scientist 00123 jumped into the core of the planet, sacrificing himself to get rid of Evilzen.Then, everything became solid color again, but people were dying.

The story of “ Supernova Pandemic” is about different teams of superheroes traveling to different planets,and each superhero has unique powers.They gather different information and samples, then use this information to make a special vaccine to save the citizens in the space because the whole universe is infected by a supervirus called Blingrr Blingrr.

I rate the story book a 8.5 star. There are two science items I think would be useful in real life. I like the anti-corrosion materials because it helps a lot of pinions in the book. It could help a lot in real life because acid raids can corrode (modern) buildings, steel aboveground and underground and other objects. Also,I think the hazmat suit from the book would probably be useful because it should do a better job of preventing spread and stopping it, and it should let people interact more freely.

Ryder Chow, 8 years old

Kids power academic: Supernova pandemic is about an extreme pandemic of an unknown virus which broke along the whole galaxy. SPYS Star send four Medi Pods to collect virus samples in different planes and that when the scientists were in action to help find a cure to this universal problem with the help of the super detective, Monty.Now, let me share some of my feeling when reading this fabulous book created by 28 kids.

First, I was deeply attracted by the plots of the ICUP Cafe with the secret lab and the Wishing Tree as they are both so interesting to read. The ICUP Cafe provides special drinks and snacks for superheroes. I like the Cherry Cookies the most as it is handy and if you have been swimming in a pie of poop for two hours like LG and Pinekingcan, it can lighten up your mood in a second. Also, the secret lab is high technology related and is where the U-power candy was stolen making a foreshadowing for the plots and continuing situation of the outbreak in the story, along with the sealing of the Wishing Tree. They are all so detective like solving puzzles and attract you to read on in just the first chapter.

Second, the interactions inside the medical teams Earth, Pinet, Green Lips and the Unknown were humorous and always makes you want to laugh. They sometimes faces challenges and sudden changes on their mission, but they always find a solution to the problem with great teamwork with one another.

I like Ch.3 the best as it contains a lot of funny scenes and I can learn a lot about the details of how the Pine Juice is produced which are quite interesting too. Also, I am amazed by the mysterious and extraordinary plots of the story of the Unknown in Ch.5. They are really imaginative and exciting to read!

Last but not least, the big reveal in the end was really fascinating as it wraps up the whole story with an explanation to this universal pandemic. There are also some funny and entertainable parts which you will enjoy reading a lot.

This book has an exciting and rich plot and is based on science fiction which makes the story more interesting and factual. Readers can learn while reading and elaborate their imaginations!

Alina Chao, 13 years old

I think the book KIDS POWER ACADEMY: SUPERNOVA PANDEMIC is very interesting and all of the writers had perfect expressions. The characters in the book are special too. They can travel through time, make lightning power and other amazing things that we can only dream of. I am so excited when I’m reading this book and I am glad that the super virus ,Brlingrr Brlingrr that appeared in the space waste, has finally been beaten by all the superheroes. They were so cool to save the whole universe! My most memorable plot in this book is in chapter 10, it mentioned Covid-19 in Earth now. The café featured two signature drinks, including ‘Earth Covid-19. ’ I hope Covid-19 will disappear very soon and the superheroes can enjoy their wonderful life.

Joia Zhao, 12 years old

"SPYS星球科學交流團" 我覺得這本书非常好,见到每一位小朋友都是很用心去畫畫創作值得我學習!而且書中内容丰富,有趣,特別里面有脑洞大开的内容,我都好想参加啊,希望我的作品也可以,為書中新作品嘅出一份力!


I think this book "Supernova Pandemic" is very interesting. The content is abundant and funny. It always makes me laugh. The content is also connected to real life. We have a pandemic in real life. I never feel bored when I am reading this book. All of the characters are wonderful and the illustrations are beautiful. I like them very much.

From this book, I learn a lot of new knowledge about science. I know more about vaccines and microorganisms such as viruses. I know how to protect myself from the virus in the pandemic. The knowledge in this book may help me in my study. I also learn many new words. This book can improve my English vocabulary, skills and knowledge.

The chapter I like the most is chapter 10, Big Reveal, because it is talking about space pollution. In real life, environmental pollution of Earth and space is serious. There is a lot of solid waste. Humans use a lot of resources and produce a lot of waste. This causes land pollution and produces greenhouse gas. And then lead to global warming and climate change. This chapter also mentions how to protect the environment. They are very useful. People can realize that they need to protect the environment.

In conclusion, this book is very nice. All the things are creative, detail-oriented and organized. I can feel like I am having adventures with the superheros. And I can learn a lot of things. I would like to recommend Supernova Pandemic to others.

Vicky Ding, 13 years old, China





Bryan Chung, 11 years old, Hong Kong





李釆司, 13 years old, Hong Kong

Kids Power Academy Supernova Pandemic

My favorite is chapter 1, this chapter introduced to us a few cool gadgets or technology. The one that caught my eyes first was the badge, it was invented by James from proton a technology wiz. I thought it was very useful, because the plot of the story is in space and there was a pandemic happening, after you use the technology of voice recognition the badge will activate a full body sort of like an invisible force shield. It filters everything bad inside out and filters only good stuff in.so they won’t have to be bothered by the supernova pandemic.

The yellow star pin was for students to wear every day, it is not very visible. The only thing you can see when paying absolute attention is the face grid that is connected to a holo camera system. It also includes a sos emergency that can be synchronized with any space station. So, because of this invention James was recruited to S.P.Y.S. when he was recruited he made a pin for each of the spys members, this time in the form of a blue eyeball.

So in my opinion this is the best invention yet. Let’s just hope it's going to happen in real life.

Samuel, 13 years old, Hong Kong

My name is Marcus, I am 9 years old. I am from Shun Yeung Primary School. I like running, video games, movies and technology. I finished reading the book “Kids Power Academy Supernova Pandemic”

My favorite chapter is Pinet, the chapter is about PineKing and Pinet. It is about Dr. Cherry BEE who found PineKing when he was a baby. She believed that the baby could be a King of Pinet.

Dr Cherry Bee, that's not your kid. The story is really interesting, so keep reading the book. In the story: PineKing was recruited by Lady JJ a few years ago to attend Kids Power Academy, A school for superheroes in the universe.

The part I think is very interesting is when PineKing was a kid who learned to make potions at kids Power Academy so that’s his superpower. If kids Power Academy is real, I will definitely join and I will graduate with a high mark.

In the story: PineKing friends gave him a nickname called Pipleman. Now the school was closed due to the virus outbreak. PineKing went back to Pinet to help the pinenions ASAP. “I am the King of Pinet, and I need to take care of my people pinenions!” said PineKing.

At last, the universe was clean and clear. Universal civilians went space diving more often and did more out-space exercises. Lady JJ and Dr. Cherry BEE were happy to see the whole universe was healthy. This story has a happy ending and I like happy endings.

Marcus, 9 years old, Hong Kong






Vicky Ding, 13 years old, China

今天看了一本書〈星星超人學府之SPYS 星球科學交流團〉,它是孩童必看好書。




之後的劇情,不便透露!這本書內容豐富,角色各有不同,雖然角色比較多,容易混亂,但只要一直閱讀,故事情節很有趣,令你可以同一種超人做朋友的感覺, 十分親切和充滿正能量。

Chorus Nam, 10 years old, Hong Kong

星星超人學府之SPYS星球科學交流團 讀後感


每一個人物都有不同的特點,有不同的超能力,有不同的經歷,成為獨特的小超人。其中我最喜歡的就是閃電女郎LG,在第二章,她很表現得勇敢很開朗,她的超能力也非常厲害,我也很喜歡LG的寵物。 我最喜歡的章節就是第二章,情節搞笑有趣,很有想像力,腦洞很大,給人一種奇妙的感覺。


趙紋媗, 10 years old, China

My name is Cyrus, I am 10 years old, I am from Shum Yeung Primary School, I like swimming, playing video games and watching movies. I have finished reading the book “Kids Power Academy Supernova Pandemic”

My favorite chapter is chapter 5 called Unknown, in that chapter there is a character named Techer or Tech. Techer was made by me Cyrus. Techer is a 16 year old boy from an alternate universe. He likes to make gadgets on fix gadgets. His part in chapter 5 on the planet Unknown was to join a team made out of Techer, Majectic Girl and IBoy. In that chapter my favourite part was when Techer Brought out his super shadow sucker. It is a machine that sucks up virus samples to investigate later. It blew everyone's minds after he demonstrated it to them. He is a gizmo wiz after all. I also loved the mystery behind the entire planet Unknown. It always surprises you and I love the feeling of knowing what was behind the mystery even though I read it so many times. I really recommend this book to you all.

Cyrus, 10 years old

閱讀完這本書"SPYS星球科學交流團" 真的令我十分驚訝,我從來沒有想過一群小學生也能寫書,在寫作中又能幫助基層市民是非常有意義的。這促使我也加入了這個很有意義的行動,雖然不知今後會不會很辛苦,但我認為這是值得的。



敖志誠, 11 years old, Hong Kong

星星超人學府之 SPYS 星球科學交流團

星星超人學府之 SPYS 星球科學交流團這本書融入了 Lady JJ 在尋找不同的星星找人們中發生的趣味故事,和星星學府的學生回顧完後的感想和新的發現。他不僅是譯本,也是第一冊的延伸,每個章節帶著一份主旨、一個科學的推理、和超人們對不同現象的見解,匯聚成了這本種滿想像力的科幻故事。

例如第二章裏,James 使用移動空間門將龍小子的便便送到能源回收站轉換成能量,帶出了環保的意義;而閃電女郎訓練她的套索時跟龍小子的互動,和當 Lady JJ 看到那像山一般巨大的便便不知所措、面露難色的場景令人難忘,又為整故事增添了趣味。同時,龍小子幽默的說話方式和性格,深深地吸引著讀者,帶入到故事當中。而在小隊的探討中,我學到了原來閃電女郎的汗與其他人的是不同的,她的汗裏含有咖啡因,這是為什麼當她的套索碰到她時會醒來,接著變得狂躁起來,真是奇妙呢!

我最喜歡的是第四章,寫了一班「小科學家」和費力羅教授到大俠谷旅遊時無意中碰倒了一個大石塊,引起巨大恐慌的故事,但他們卻能巧妙的將他化解成一次魔術表演,而且一舉成名,而在這次的小隊探討中,我瞭解了很多關於考古和研究化石的知識,即驚險又有趣,同時,超 人們激烈的討論也給讀者帶來很多科學的問題來思考,獲益良多,豐富精彩的情節也令人百看 不厌。


Alina Chao, 13 years old, China

Kids Power Academy Supernova Pandemic

I think this book is very interesting! I really enjoy reading it. There’s a lot of things I like, especially the chapter “green lips”. I like Minacko the most because she’s so smart and she can enchant things. That’s amazing! Moreover, those Lipsies are so funny because of their massive lips that they are just like a basketball. I wish I can have the same superpower too since I also want to help people or myself to defeat all those viruses, so that we can live healthier, happier and longer.

Jaida, 10 years old, Hong Kong

I think the medipod was the coolest thing in the book.

It's a pink ball that rolls throughout the space to transport the medical team to help their friends.

On the outside, there's a 180° rotatable red carpet cover, for avoiding deadly impacts, there's also a forcefield to prevent mild impacts, to protect the 360° AI screen.
Inside the medipod, there is a medibay with 4 life-pods and two medical droids to help organize the medipod.

It is also loaded with beam fire and sonic power for defending uses, the spacecraft can also go warp speed. Most of the images have to be shown in the medipod, from pictures, and videos, to communication (holocall)... All images are projected through the hologram projector, it also has VR, AR and animal, alien- language translators.

Joseph Chan, 12 years old, Hong Kong




Sara Wong, 11 years old, Hong Kong

Hello, today I read the book Supernova Pandemic and I strongly recommend it to readers of all ages because I feel like the book is aimed for everyone and I like it pretty much. Let me explain what I feel about this book so read on.

Firstly, I am amazed that the book has loads of authors. It must have been pretty hard because everybody has different ideas so there might have been disagreements so it would be hard to collaborate like how to make sure the chapters are connected what to write about in the chapters and different authors made different characters so I thought the pictures would be unbalanced but it turned out to be ok. Secondly, I like the fact that the authors actually related some science in the book because then you can also pick up some information while reading the book like biology and based it on something we have in the real world covid 19 and social distancing. I like the book a lot because some parts are actually funny like when Monty sneezes on people. I also find that lady JJ not being able to remember more than 3 letters. I like it because funny things give me a better mood. I wonder how many planets there are in the world of this book. I also wonder how doctor cherry bee got to be the chairlady of the S.P.Y.S committee. Thirdly, I like the plot of the story. I sometimes thought of something that would happen and the book would say something else when I read to that stage. I like how the superheroes had pets because the other books never had superheroes that have pets. I find that this book has loads of snot, boogers and poop so if you vomit by just thinking about the three things then do not read the book. I wonder how the planets formed and how some superheroes got their powers. I like the part where scientist 00123 transforms into Evilizen. I also like that it has a back page to tell you about the superheroes because the book did not really explain what some superheroes' powers were so I did not know what some of the superheroes' powers were until I read that part. I wonder how the planets Earth, Pinet,Green Lips, Unknown and SPYS star are arranged in the book. I hope Monty stops sneezing so hard and covering everyone in snot because one day it may cause a big disaster and get him in lots of trouble. I did not get how Monty flew the aeroplane even though it only had one wing so the aeroplane was not balanced. Now I am going to review the planets the teams went to check. First stop Earth where “Team R” goes to. In my opinion the photo on page 34 was really realistic. Reading that part made me think of the past years when covid 19 was here. Next “Pinet” I did not get how pinking even became king when doctor cherry bee only believed he would become king so it was confusing for me. And that's when an important thing came in the pump Juice which did a big role in helping the creatures infected by the brlingrr brlingrr virus but it was not pineking that did the biggest part in destroying the virus it was monty that did it. Next is “Green lips” where team “hots” went to “Green lips “where Blob man spilled seaweed juice on the control panel and they crashed. I wonder why the lipsies get cavities so easily and does the poop in the picture on page 67 actually attack people or does it have superpowers?

Last but not least unknown where they found virus in the knowers shadow where the virus adapted to beon the knowers shadow and when they found scientist 00123 and he became evilizen and they had a fight it was pretty exciting but i feel poor for scientist 00123 because he sacrifice himself for everyone by jumping into the core of unknown and at the end unknown ground became solid purple again and the faces of the knowers were reavieiled because they were trapped under the power of evilezen. Now i'm going to tell you about what i think of the superhero profile chapter so first of all LG where she has a part with some science and i find the pictures of the wolf in the profile chapter is way more detailed than the one on page 180 and her power is lightning. Next is doctor crown which is a human that is 8 years old and the smartest kid on earth. She has made many inventions like her crown and has a pet named Fuzzy. After that is A girl she is normally claire but when she presses her A charm she becomes A girl she has a weapon to shoot stick bombs. She has a fluffy puppy named cottenbell. Next is Ms D who is the captain of team Resilience and she can heal people. Next is cat lady, she is 25 years old and is near sighted. Next is Snowball who is a 9 years old girl. Her primary power is farting ice poop and she has a pet called silver. After that is pineking who is 8 years old and weighs 100 kg and is 2 metres tall. Next is smiling who is ten years old who likes to eat pineapples and she can make people or herself invisible. She also has a pet rabbit called Angela. Next is Little Porter who is 8 years old and likes to play basketball and can be a superhero for 2 hours then he will need to recharge for 1 hour before being able to have his powers back again. He has a pet named Nono who has brown dots on his body. This is all I will tell you. Interesting right? This is why you should read this book. Thank You.

Teddy Yuen, 10 years old, Hong Kong

  • 目錄
    • 前言 SPYS交流飛船故障
    • 第一章 來自Photon星球
    • 第二章 便便回收變能源
    • 第三章 是非善惡終有報
    • 第四章 驚險的成名之旅
    • 第五章 外表是心靈的映照嗎?
    • 第六章 真正的友誼
    • 第七章 尊重每位獨立發展的Cute Cherry
    • 第八章 愛玩火的外星人?
    • 第九章 爆谷女王的秘密
    • 第十章 小超人書籍創作體驗

《Kids Power Academy: Supernova Pandemic》、《星星超人學府之SPYS星球科學交流團》攤位分享/簽名會

2022年7月20日(三) 17:00 - 18:00
香港會議展覽中心 紅出版攤位1C-D25
《Kids Power Academy: Supernova Pandemic》

《Kids Power Academy: Supernova Pandemic》、《星星超人學府之SPYS星球科學交流團》攤位分享/簽名會

2022年7月23日(六) 11:00 - 12:00
香港會議展覽中心 紅出版攤位1C-D25
《Kids Power Academy: Supernova Pandemic》

Kids Power Society 小作家們宇宙時空 Storytelling

2022年11月20日(日) 11:30 - 13:00
商務印書館尖沙咀圖書中⼼活動廳 the HUB
《Kids Power Academy: Supernova Pandemic》